Electric Transportation

Electric Cars:

Electric cars are one of the cleanest and most energy efficient technologies we have. Unfortunately, due to limited growth and battery technology these vehicles are not very well suited for long range or high speed driving. 

Today most electric cars are low-speed vehicles, which are primarly used for local trips.  Over 40% of our vehicle trips are within five miles of our home, meaning that a large portion of our driving needs could be met with a low-speed electric vehilce.

Today the average household owns 2.2 cars.  Most households should consider owning an electric vehicle to replace their second or third car to provide clean and cheap localized transportation.

Other Electric Transportation:

We also sell electric scooters, ATV's and other personal transportation vehicles manufactured by Zap.  Electric vehicles are a great way to get around, protect the environment, and have fun all at the same time! 

For pricing and purchasing questions, please email sales@thegreencarco.com or call us at (425) 820 - 4549.